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Project Commander

The Project Commander provides several ways to oversee a project created in the Project Manager. For example, you can double click on a title in the project diagram, illustrated below, to open a file in the editor. Thus, you do not have to try to keep a creative overview of your project in your head as memories of file locations scattered on a computer’s hard drive. In the Find, Outline, and Words sections, you can double click on a word or heading to show it in its file in the editor. Thus, you have the computer’s equivalent of being able to shuffle or riffle through the pages of your work, looking for your creative interconnections. For more information, click on the Project Commander’s page headings, shown below the illustration.





NOTE: The Project Commander is shown or hidden by a selection on the Project menu. You do not have to use the Project Commander to use the Editor.

See also: How to Dock and Undock

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