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Software Updates

Book Writer™ Updates

help for writers writing
This is a discontinued product.  The last version was 5.50.
If you have any Book Writer v. 5.xx, you can update to 5.50 free of charge. You do not need to uninstall your earlier version first.
This update is free for registered users of v. 5.xx.  Download Book Writer v. 5.50
Try Book Writer's successor, Writer's Desk v. 6.03.
Learn more about Writer's Desk.

Finders Keepers™ Updates

search files fast
The current version is 4.10.
If you have Finders Keepers version 4.00 or later, simply download the current version and install it.  You do not need to uninstall your earlier version first.
If you have a Finders Keepers version earlier than 4.00, uninstall it first.
This update is free.