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finders keepers restore replace function
Finders Keepers — restore Replace function
This file is useful if you have password-disabled the Replace function in Finders Keepers and you have forgotten the password to restore Replace.  Download the this file and unzip it.  Double click the unzipped file finderskeepersreplace.reg.
NOTE:  This file is necessary to restore the Replace function in Finders Keepers. 
hhupd.exe for updating windows help
Windows Help System Update — HHUPD.EXE
If your program gave a message at start-up that your computer does not have a file (hhctrl.ocx) necessary to run HTML help files, you can download and run Microsoft's program hhupd.exe to update your Windows help system so that HTML help is available on your computer.
NOTE:  Run hhupd.exe only if you are using Windows 95/95/ME/NT.  If you have Windows 2000 or later you do not need hhupd.exe.
Writer's Desk thesaurus
Writer's Desk Thesaurus — wdthesaurus.zip
Writer's Desk downloads and unzips this file automatically from Main Menu | Tools | Auxiliary Thesaurus | Download Thesaurus. 
NOTE:  This file is necessary only if your internet connection was slow or faulty in the automatic downloading and unzipping.