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View Menu

Toolbar Toggle on or off the toolbars in the Main Window.

Common Options Toggle on or off the Common Options panel on the main screen, which lets you access some frequently changed options without going to Set Options.

File Information Toggle on or off the File Information window, which shows file dates and other information.

Tabs at Bottom Select where the main-window notebook tabs appear, at the top or bottom.

Batch Menu Check mark this to place a Batch submenu on the main menu. The Batch Mode is a facility for technical users. If you are not a programmer or webmaster, you will probably not use the batch mode.

Results Size Adjuster Toggle on or off a splitter just above the Results area in the Main Window.

Results Header Toggle on or off a header, or column controller, just above Results with columns for File Name, Line, Column, Offset, and Result.

Alternate Alternate the positions or sizes of the Main Window, the Text Viewer, and the Binary Viewer.

Auto-arrange If Alternate is selected, arrange the Main Window, the Text Viewer, and the Binary Viewer in default alternate positions and sizes. The default positions are suitable for looking through Results and opening files in the Text Viewer or Binary Viewer.

Text Viewer Show the built-in viewer for text files, or if it’s already showing, bring it to the top of other windows. See Text Viewer.

Binary Viewer Show the built-in viewer for binary files, or if it’s already showing, bring it to the top of other windows. See Binary Viewer.

Zip / Unzip Show the dialog for zipping and unzipping files.

Web Tools Open Web Tools to access favorite Internet sites.