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The Folder(s) section of the Main Window consists of a button labeled “Folder(s)” and, to its right, an edit box for entering the names of the Folder(s) in which you want to perform Find, Replace, or Touch operations.

You can enter names for more than one Folder. To do so, separate the names with a right-angle bracket (>) or a vertical bar (|). The following example would cause a Find, Replace, or Touch operation to occur in two folders.

c:\personal\letters > e:\business\mail

To search in sub-folders of the folders you name here, select Search Subfolders on the Options Menu or the Main Window’s toolbar for Search Options.

To exclude a folder, add its name in Folder(s) preceded by a left-angle bracket (<). For example, the following excludes the folder “e:\business\mail\personal”:

c:\personal\letters > e:\business\mail < e:\business\mail\personal

To browse for folders on your drives, click the button labeled “Folder(s)”. A dialog that shows folder names will open. Click on one or more folders to select them for searching. The names of the selected folders appear in the edit box near the bottom of the window. Click the Apply button or the OK button to accept the folders and transfer their names to the Folder(s) edit box. See Select Folder(s) for further help on choosing folders.

To list the folders you have chosen by your entries in Folder(s), select List Folders from the Perform Menu.

See also: Persistent File List