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Options – Replace

These options control Replace operations.

Confirm Choose how often Finders Keepers™ asks you to confirm replacements during Replace operations. Click one of these choices:

Send to Backup Folder When a replacement occurs, an altered file is created. It is a duplicate of the original file except for the replacements in it. Choose whether the original file or the altered file is sent to the Backup Folder. Click one of these choices:

Altered File’s Date Replace operations create altered files with the current date and time. You may choose to keep the original files’ dates and times for the altered files that contain replacements.

Backup Folder Duplicates When files are sent to the Backup Folder during Replace operations, other files of the same names, duplicates, may be there. Click on one of the following choices to control what happens to the duplicate files.

Original Files, No Backup During Replace operations, the original files may have no Backup Folder for one of two causes. Either you did not enter a name for a Backup Folder (see below) or your Backup Folder is included in the Folder(s) you designated for the Replace operation. Click one of the following choices to control what happens to original files when you have no Backup Folder, or your Backup Folder is included in Folder(s).

Backup Folder Enter the name of a folder where Finders Keepers™ can place backup files during Replace operations. The backup files are either the altered files or the original files, as you designated above in Send to Backup Folder. Enter a folder’s name by typing it in, or by selecting it from the drop-down list you get by clicking the down arrow, or by using the folder browser you get by clicking on the button beside the Backup Folder entry. For help on retrieving files, see Retrieve from Backup Folder. For information on how files are named when placed in the Backup Folder, see: Backup Folder File Names.

Disable Replace Operations / Restore Replace Operations To prevent inexperienced users from accessing the Replace operations, you can disable all the Replace operations in Finders Keepers™ with this option. Once disabled, the Replace operations can not be restored without a password. NOTE that if the Replace operations are enabled, the heading for this option is “Disable Replace Operations”; if you have disabled the Replace operations, the heading is “Restore Replace Operations”. Likewise, the caption on the button under the heading for this option is either “Disable” or “Restore”.

For other options, see: Set Options

For quick access to frequently used options, see Common Options.