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The Replace section of the Main Window consists of a button labeled “Replace” and, to its right, an edit box for entering the text or expression that is to replace what you find during a Replace operation. Click on the “Replace” button to start a Replace operation.

NOTE: Enable Replace on the Options Menu must be checkmarked to enable Replace operations. When Replace is not enabled, the Replace section does not appear.

Control the actions of the Replace operation, for instance, confirmations of replacements, with settings in Options - Replace. See: Confirm Replacement.

What you enter in the Replace edit box is interpreted literally by three of the Four Ways to Find, namely, the Plain-text, Approximate, and Sound-alike searches. The Regular Expression search, however, interprets your entry in Replace according to the rules of Replacement Expressions if your entry contains a backslash (\) or an ampersand (&).

See also: Find, Regular Expressions